Green Canopies

The progressive loss of trees and natural vegetation during urban development necessitates a shift towards more sustainable architecture and urban planning as key solutions for fostering greener and more resilient cities. The prevalence of built structures in urban areas has led to the emergence of heat islands, which intensify the impact of climate change. Introducing vegetation in urban areas is crucial for regulating micro-climates.
The unique network topology formed by the systematic interconnection of gridshell modules in BamX structures provides an ideal environment for climbing plants to grow, promoting the generation of green structures. This feature allows BamX structures to help restore the benefits of trees lost during urban development and overcome the difficulties associated with traditional urban greening strategies. The intentionally conceived ultra-lightweight modular nature of these structures unlocks vast design possibilities, offering flexibility to adapt to diverse urban landscapes and climate conditions. These envisioned green canopies can serve various purposes, including improving thermal comfort, enhancing air quality, and fostering biodiversity in areas predominantly covered by concrete.